Monday, June 4, 2007

The first post should be the worst right?

An amazing teacher once told me to never start my writing with an apology. I just deleted that apology. Today was my first day in Branson. I started the work week with a day off. Pretty great huh? I woke up at seven and ran around the Ozarks for twenty minutes. It was actually a lot of fun running all over. I ran on the road some and some on rock trails. I hit a few dead ends and saw a few new faces. After a delicious breakfest, I went to my first meeting. I love working with my brother Tim. It gives me the warmest and most encouraging feeling deep inside, somewhere around my liver I think, when he introduced me to the rest of the staff. Time for a new paragraph.

Tim and I have never really been that close. I have always looked up to him and thought he was the funniest person on earth. Last year he said some amazing things about our family in front of his coworkers. Since that day, I have strongly desired to pursue a relationship with mi hermano. We have already participated in some amazing discussions together.

After the meeting, I spent some time thinking and facebooking. Two incredibly opposing activities. My buddy Andrew Lentz showed up around 12:30 and we threw a frisbee. We spent the rest of the afternoon laughing and talking about life. It was a great day spent with a great friend.

I planned on going to a Crusade event tonight and hung out with some Doulos staff instead. We ate at this little coffee shop in Springfield. The girls must have chosen the locale because I ate a seven dollar pizza that could have been made with a Pillsbury Doughboy pizza kit and shares the capacity to fill me up with a few chips and salsa. I ached with hunger afterwords. Little did my companions know how much I love to mooch food off other people's plates when they are done eating. Katie Anne put her napkin on her plate. It was just like when William Wallace (Mel Gibson) dropped his dead wife's handkerchief in slow motion as his head his chopped off. Too dramatic?

Tomorrow marks the beginning of my summer with Shelterwood! Please pray for me during this time. Pray for all the great things the Holy Spirit brings into your hearts, but, most importantly, pray that I look to God to meet all my needs. I want to and have to live in complete dependence on Him this summer.

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